Volume 76, November 2010
New Discriminatory Laws and Bills in Israel
Civil and Political Rights

Adalah to Chair of Knesset’s Committee of Internal Affairs: Bill that allows for revocation of citizenship of individuals convicted of security offenses seeks to make the citizenship of Arab citizens “conditional”

Land and Planning Rights

As requested by the Prime Minister's office: The National Council for Planning and Building, in an exceptional move, cancels its decision to recognize two Arab Bedouin villages in the Naqab (Negev)

Education Rights
Prisoners’ Rights
Upcoming Hearings

Monday, 20.12.10, 9:00 am
(HCJ 10662/04, Salah Hassan, et al. v. The National Insurance Institute, et al.)
Supreme Court petition demanding the annulment of law that renders unemployed car owners and users ineligible for income support payments.  The petition was filed on behalf of Mr. Salah Hassan, an income support recipient whose request to use a car to assist his blind daughter was denied.

Sunday, 26.12.10, 9:00 am
(HCJ 8036/07, Fatina Ebriq Zubeidat, et al. v. The Israel Land Administration, et al.)
Supreme Court petition challenging the use of admissions committees in allocating land for housing in approximately 700 community towns, excluding Arab citizens, Mizrahim (Eastern Jews) and gays. The petition was filed on behalf of a young Arab married couple, Fatina and Ahmed Zubeidat, both architects, who were refused admission to the community town of Rakefet on the humiliating grounds of their “social unsuitability.”

General Assembly
Adalah will hold its Annual General Assembly meeting in Jerusalem, Fri. and Sat. 17-18 December 2010
New Article

Hassan Jabareen, “Transnational Lawyering and Legal Resistance in National Courts: Palestinian Cases before the Israeli Supreme Court,” Volume 13 (1) Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal (2010), p. 239

NGO Partners' News

Association for Civil Rights in Israel, March for Human Rights Day 2010

New Report coordinated by Crisis Action:
“Dashed Hopes: Continuation of the Gaza Blockade”

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