Infographic Report: Palestinian Students Persecuted in Israeli Academic Institutions

Since the beginning of the War on 7 October 2023, dozens of Israeli universities and colleges initiated disciplinary actions mainly and overwhelmingly against Palestinian students, both citizens of Israel and residents of East Jerusalem, based on their social media posts.


These academic institutions exceeded the authority granted to them by the Student Rights Law – 2000, which allows them to open disciplinary proceedings against students only in specific cases, as defined in their regulations, and only if the conduct relates to their studies at the institution. Further, these proceedings have created a hostile, inciting, and unsafe academic environment for many Palestinian students and faculty members, which does not allow for diverse opinions and hinders critical thinking in the context of the war on Gaza.


In recent months, we witnessed protests by Jewish students demanding the removal of Palestinian studentsthat faced disciplinary procedures from the schools and dormitories, although in some cases these students had been acquitted. Surveys conducted among Palestinian students indicate that they feel unsafe on campus, and a high percentage consider dropping out.


The data presented here updates a data presentation published by Adalah on 25 November 2023. (See here) It reflects the situation as of 25 March 2024.


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