Adalah works with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Mary Robinson

Adalah Staff Attorney Gadeer Nicola and Development Director Rina Rosenberg assisted in organizing and attended a meeting of Palestinian and Israeli NGOs based in Israel with the UN HCHR, Ms. Mary Robinson, to discuss the UN investigation into human rights abuses by the Israeli government during the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Adalah also prepared and sent a letter of critique following the High Commissioner's trip report.

Adalah Staff Attorney Gadeer Nicola and Development Director Rina Rosenberg assisted in organizing and attended a meeting of Palestinian and Israeli NGOs based in Israel with the UN HCHR, Ms. Mary Robinson, to discuss the UN investigation into human rights abuses by the Israeli government during the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Adalah also prepared and sent a letter of critique following the High Commissioner's trip report.

Press Release: Adalah Participates in Meeting with Ms. Mary Robinson, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights - 9 November 2000

Adalah's Statements to Ms. Mary Robinson - 9 November 2000

 Adalah's Letter to Ms. Mary Robinson: Remarks to the UN HCHR Visit Report - 18 December 2000