Wadi Ara

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Petitioners to continue the legal battle against the discriminatory policy that still excludes Arab localities in greater need of benefits than neighboring Jewish towns that receive them.
Adalah and the Arab Center for Alternative Planning, on behalf of all of the Arab municipalities in Wadi Ara, petitioned the Court against the discriminatory Israeli NPA policy which excludes Arab...
Adalah warns that cancelling bus stops, as demanded by residents of the Jewish ultra-orthodox neighborhood of Har Yona in Nof Hagalil, will contribute to the creation of separate public...
Adalah and Arab Center for Alternative Planning filed Supreme Court petition against discriminatory funding practice in August 2020 on behalf of a slew of Palestinian communities in Israel's...
Despite earlier Supreme Court ruling, Israeli government excludes Arab towns in ‘northern triangle’ region from enormous financial benefits enjoyed by neighboring Jewish towns with higher...
Expansion would add 640 acres to the Israeli Jewish town, a move that would come at the expense of surrounding Arab communities and limit their future growth.
Special request to expand city's planning area might be approved before Interior Ministry has even finished investigating potential consequences to Arab villages.
Expansion of Harish, which is currently way below its current housing capacity, would block development of surrounding Arab communities for years to come.