Press Releases

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Adalah: the proposed bill demonstrates a clear intent to commit international criminal acts under the Rome Statute of the ICC
While Palestinians imprisoned by the Israeli authorities have always experienced a wholesale violation of their human rights, Israel’s new extreme-right-wing government has taken numerous...
Adalah: There are no amendments that can be made which will repair this racist law, which creates Apartheid for citizenship and other fundamental rights
Adalah: Over two decades later, Israel still grants sweeping impunity to its police and military forces, as well as for Israeli Jewish civilian vigilantes when Palestinians are killed or wounded
Israel had been holding the boat at Ashdod Port since seizing it off Gaza’s coast in February, directly harming the livelihoods and food security of seven Palestinian families in Gaza; court...
Today, human rights organizations Adalah, Gisha, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, and Gaza-based Al Mezan Center for Human Rights sent an urgent letter (Hebrew) to Israel’s...
Ruling means that all Gaza residents are banned from any redress and remedy in Israel, regardless of the circumstances, during “acts of war” or otherwise, and the severity of the injury or...
Adalah: The police conducted a negligent, flawed investigation with the ultimate aim of closing the case and clearing the suspects. Footage found in the investigation file indicates pressure to...
The Israeli air force killing of the four boys on the Gaza beach and the refusal of all levels of the Israeli legal system to hold the military accountable, reflect a policy of total impunity.
The Law explicitly states that its purpose is to ensure a Jewish demographic majority; The petitioners argue that the State can no longer defend the Law relying solely on unsubstantiated security...
The new temporary order explicitly affirms that its purpose is to ensure a Jewish demographic majority. Adalah: “The Citizenship and Entry into Israel” Law is one of the most racist and...
Adalah: No democratic country in the world denies residency or citizenship to spouses of its own citizens on the basis of their spouses’ national, racial, or ethnic affiliation
Adalah: The conduct in this case involving the killing of four boys on the Gaza beach reflects a policy of total impunity for Israeli soldiers and commanders.
In view of the acceleration in the implementation of the 2018 Israeli government’s decision, Adalah and The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem demand the immediate halt of the...
Following the killing and injury of Palestinians by Israeli forces in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and in the West Bank, twenty-one years ago on 29 September 2000, Palestinian citizens of Israel...
Police claim the new “Mista'aravim” counter-terror unit is aimed towards fighting organized crime; Adalah to Police Commissioner and AG: Designating a special unit to a specific ethnic group is...
Adalah: The Citizenship Law is one of the most racist and discriminatory laws in the world
Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib was arrested on 14 May 2021 in violent Israeli police raid that left dozens of local Palestinian residents wounded in Kufr Qanna.
Palestinian fishing unions in Gaza have reported multiple incidents of fire by the Israeli navy toward fishermen and their boats even within the permitted fishing zone.