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Today, 23 March 2004, the Supreme Court of Israel issued a temporary injunction, as requested by Adalah in a petition filed yesterday, preventing the Israel Lands Administration (ILA), the Ministry...
Today, 4 March 2004, the gag order placed on the month-long detention of four members of the extra-parliamentary political movement, Abna al-Balad, was lifted. Mr. Mohammed Kannaneh, the General...
Today, an article by Adalah Attorney Marwan Dalal on the constitution-in-the-making in Israel was published in Ha'aretz (Hebrew edition). The full text of the article in English is provided below....
Adalah will consider filing a tort suit against the former Registrar of Associations On 7 February 2004, Interior Minister Avraham Poraz accepted the appeal submitted by Adalah in September 2002...
On 26 January 2004, Adalah submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel demanding that the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ministry of Finance (MOF) allocate the necessary physician and...
On Sunday, 18 January 2004, an enlarged panel of 13 justices of the Supreme Court of Israel held a second hearing on petitions challenging the constitutionality of a new law that prohibits the...
On 20 December 2003, Adalah sent a letter to the Director of the Kishon Detention Facility demanding that the Israel Prisons Authority (IPA) immediately permit Sheikh Raed Salah, the head of the...
On 22 December 2003, Adalah filed a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel in its own name and on behalf of the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel and the Follow-up Committee on...
Based on new evidence obtained from an autopsy report as well as from police sources, on 11 December 2003, Adalah submitted a second motion to the Magistrate Court in Beer Sheva (Beer el-Sebe)...
As part of its ongoing campaign to advocate and promote human rights in general and Arab minority rights in Israel in particular, Adalah published a series of three ads in Ha'aretz (Hebrew Edition)...
On 27 November 2003, Ha'aretz published a news article concerning changes in university admissions policies, specifically to reinstate the psychometric exam as a criterion for admissions. The...
Yesterday, 12 November 2003, the Nazareth Magistrate Court delivered its decision on the preliminary arguments raised by Adalah on behalf of Member of Knesset (MK) Azmi Bishara to dismiss the...
On Wednesday, 12 November 2003 at 12 p.m., the Nazareth Magistrate Court will deliver its decision on the preliminary arguments in Member of Knesset (MK) Azmi Bishara's political speeches case. In...
At a hearing on 9 November 2003, the Supreme Court of Israel issued an order nisi compelling the state to explain why the new ban on family unification law, which prohibits the granting of any...
On Sunday, 9 November 2003 at 10 a.m., the Supreme Court of Israel will hold the first hearing on petitions challenging the constitutionality of a new law, enacted on 31 July 2003, prohibiting the...
Yesterday, 19 October 2003, Adalah submitted a petition and a motion for an injunction to the Supreme Court of Israel on behalf the National Committee of Arab Mayors and in its own name against the...
Today, 16 October 2003, Adalah filed a motion to the Magistrate Court in Beer Sheva (Beer el-Sebe) to immediately appoint an investigatory judge to examine the circumstances surrounding the...
Adalah submitted a letter, dated 2 October 2003, to Attorney General Elyakim Rubenstein, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Minister of Internal Security Tzachi Hanegbi, and Minister of Industry and...
Ha'aretz, 13 October 2003 (Translated from the original Hebrew by Adalah) The Commission Indeed Discriminated Operative recommendations against Barak and Sharon are those that are missing from the...
On 9 October 2003, Adalah submitted a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel asking the court to compel the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs to immediately open a suitable shelter for young...