International Advocacy 2006

Highlights: "Israel's Human Rights Violations as a Breach of its Obligations Under the EU-Israel Action Plan," submitted to the European Parliament's Sub-Committee on Human Rights. Adalah briefed embassy representatives in Israel on the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Ban on Family Unification Law.

EU Advocacy | UN Advocacy | Embassy Briefings

EU Advocacy

Israel/OPT: EMHRN and FIDH Mission, August 2006. Representatives of the EMHRN and FIDH attended the Supreme Court hearings with Adalah's lawyers on the No-Compensation Law (for Palestinians in the OPTs). Adalah also briefed the delegation on developments regarding the ban on family unification, and the state's discriminatory scheme for war compensation in Israel.

"Israel's Human Rights Violations as a Breach of its Obligations Under the EU-Israel Action Plan." Presentation and Paper Submitted to the European Parliament's Sub-Committee on Human Rights, 19 June 2006

EMHRN Open Letter on the Occasion of the Association Council between the EU and Israel, 9 June 2006. Adalah contributed research and documentation.

Joint Open Letter to the European Union-Israel Association Council on Israeli war crimes committed in the Gaza Strip on Friday, 9 June 2006

EMHRN Human Rights Review of the EU and Israel 2004-2005.The report is the second EMHRN annual assessment of the EU's compliance with its own human rights commitments in its relations to Israel. Representatives of Adalah, Al Haq, PCATI and the EMHRN presented the report during an advocacy tour in The Netherlands and Germany in April 2006.

UN Advocacy

Adalah's letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, raising five key issues of concern for Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Territories, 26 November 2006

Statement by Ms. Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, following her recent visit to Israel/Palestine, 23 November 2006

Adalah's Letter to UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Prof. Philip Alston, on the October 2000 killings and Adalah's report, The Accused on the Ministry of Justice Police Investigation Unit's ("Mahash") failure to investigate the killings. 1 November 2006. 

Related Documents:

Adalah's News Update, "UN Special Rapporteur Prof. Philip Alston Questions Israel's Conduct in October 2000 Investigations," 25 April 2006

Adalah's Letter to UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Prof. Philip Alston, 18 January 2006

Report of the State Comptroller of Israel, 56A, Chapter 2, 'The systemic handling of complaints about police violence and inappropriate conduct', August 2005

Written Interventions submitted by Adalah to the 62nd Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights, March - April 2006

Intervention before the Commission Regarding the Law Banning Palestinians from Claiming Compensation from Israel - Al-Haq and Adalah

Intervention before the Commission Regarding the Ban on Family Unification Law - Adalah

Intervention before the Commission Regarding Israel's Discriminatory Land and Housing Policies in the Naqab - Adalah

Intervention before the Commission Regarding a Discriminatory Jewish National Fund Policy - Habitat International Coalition (HIC) and Adalah

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Adalah's NGO Report, Suggested Issues for Consideration Regarding Israel's Combined 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Periodic Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).

Related Documents:

Adalah's News Update, UN CERD Committee to Review Israel's Compliance with Human Rights Treaty on 2-3 August 2006: Committee Poses Tough Questions to Israel on Racial Discrimination Against Palestinian Citizens of Israel, 11 July 2006

Questions put by the Rapporteur in Connection with the Consideration of the 10th to 13th Periodic Reports of Israel (CERD/C/471/Add.2), August 2006. The CERD Committee is due to conduct its review of Israel's periodic report during its Seventieth Session, February 2007.

Embassy Briefings

Adalah briefed embassy representatives from 17 countries on legal developments in 2006, 22 November 2006

Adalah briefed embassy representatives in Israel on the implications of the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Ban on Family Unification Law, 22 May 2006

Joint Open Letter to Diplomatic Representatives Concerning Targeted Assassinations, 10 February 2006

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