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On 19 July 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian...
Israeli Supreme Court hearing on petitions against law held 22 December; Adalah: The law's distinct apartheid characteristics guarantee Israel’s ethnic-religious character as exclusively Jewish,...
'Deal of the Century' gives green light to Israel's illegal annexation of West Bank; Adalah: Plan is no more than joint U.S.-Israel effort to impose Israeli government's vision for territory in...
Adalah: This change in perception is historic. For the first time, Israel is defined by a UN expert committee as a regime that exercises apartheid practices against Palestinians on both sides of...
Adalah files Israeli Supreme Court petition on behalf of Arab political leadership in Israel, including High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens, the National Committee of Arab Mayors, and the...
New Basic Law approved by a Knesset vote of 62-55 has distinct apartheid characteristics and requires racist acts as a constitutional value.
Adalah petitions Supreme Court calling to halt forced eviction that will leave 350 Bedouin residents homeless: This is reminiscent of dark regimes like apartheid South Africa.
The government frequently tries to justify its anti-democratic bills by comparing them to laws in democratic states. Given the current state of affairs, it is perhaps even a good sign that the...
Over seven years have passed and we are racing against time, unable to overcome the obstacles to obtain the fleeting justice. Seven years and our train has not stopped except at the stations of...
In October 2008, a delegation comprised of the general secretaries of Arab political parties in Israel and academics and political activists traveled to South Africa to participate in an intensive...
It was not lawyers and the courts that ended apartheid. It was popular resistance, supported by the mobilisation of international pressure. But looking back, it is fair to say that the legal work...
On 27 April 1994, South Africa held its first democratic elections. The event was historic, indescribably poignant and undoubtedly significant for millions of South Africans. None of us had ever...
On 27 April 1994, South Africa held its first democratic elections. The event was historic, indescribably poignant and undoubtedly significant for millions of South Africans. None of us had ever...