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Position paper on the flaws and dangers of the ruling that allows the destruction of a Bedouin village in order to build a Jewish town over its ruins.
This report gives an insight into the flagship legal casework that Adalah’s lawyers have litigated before the courts and argued before state authorities.
This article, written by Adalah Attorney Myssana Morany, was published in Ha'aretz on 14 May 2015.
A public campaign to stop Israel's plan to demolish an Arab Bedouin village in order to build a Jewish town over its ruins.
To this day, Israel has no legislation that establishes or prohibits torture as a crime, as defined in the UN human rights treaties to which Israel is a party.
The 2015 Israeli elections saw an unprecedented level of racist incitement against Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, which played a critical part in the election's events and results. Regardless...
When news spread last December that Minister Benny Begin had recommended, and Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu had accepted, to halt the legislative process of the Prawer-Begin bill, neither the...
In late 2003, the Israeli Government decided to establish the ‘Abu Basma’ Regional Council in the Naqab/Negev region of southern Israel. Placed within its jurisdiction were a number of Arab...
11 September 2013 marks two years since the Israeli government approved the Prawer Plan. The plan intends to uproot tens of thousands of Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel from their villages, to...
In its landmark 1999 ruling on torture, the Israeli Supreme Court outlawed certain inhumane and degrading methods of interrogations of Palestinian security suspects. Yet, 14 years later, the...
The Criminal Procedures (Detainees Suspected of Security Offenses) Law, originally legislated as a temporary order valid for just 18 month has been extended for nine years (from 2006 and until its...
Briefing for the UN Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. Statistics on Palestinian...
Israel has placed numerous barriers and obstacles in the way of Palestinian victims of the Israeli army who file tort lawsuits to receive legal remedy from the Israeli courts. These barriers to an...
The government of Israel is planning to invest roughly eight billion shekels in the relocation of approximately 40,000 rural Bedouin to overcrowded unemployment-stricken towns. Behind this plan...
An overview of the latest developments regarding the Prawer-Begin Bill, which if enacted into law and implemented, would lead to the eviction and destruction of most of the remaining unrecognized...
Palestinian victims of the Israeli army have filed tort lawsuits against the State of Israel to demand compensation for damages they sustained. The right to compensation is a constitutional right...
If and when the daily bottleneck of patients subsides at the health clinic in the Jewish Naqab (Negev) town of Mitzpe Ramon, and if it is a Thursday or Friday, the doctors drive out to the...
On 6 February 2013, the second part of the Turkel Commission’s Report was published. It addressed the question of the compatibility of “Israel’s mechanisms for examining and investigating...
On 6 February 2013, the second part of the Turkel Commission’s Report was published, to examine the events of 31 May 2010, during which the Israeli navy intercepted and captured ships carrying...
One of the first cases brought before Israel’s Supreme Court in 1948 involved a challenge to the validity of the 1945 British Mandate Defence (Emergency) Regulations in the legal order of the...