Occupied Palestinian Territories

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The Supreme Court of Israel will hold a hearing on 10 September 2013 on the application of the Absentees’ Property Law-1950 to Palestinian West Bank residents who own properties in East...
On 17 June, Adalah wrote to the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, and Minister of Justice Tzipi Livni, demanding that the Prevention of Libel and Defamation Bill, also known as...
On the commemoration of the 65 Nakba Day, Adalah is releasing a short documentary film,"From Al-Araqib to Susiya." The film tells the story of two Palestinian villages along the Green Line:...
In a new film, Adalah captures the stories of two Palestinian villages, Al-Araqib and Susiya – one in Israel, one in the West Bank – that share a single story of struggle against forced...
Adalah, The Arab Center for Alternative Planning (ACAP), and the Civic Coalition for Defending Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem filed an objection with the Jerusalem District Planning and Building...
On 31 August 2012, the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) posed a list of 26 questions (“the List of Issues Prior to Reporting,” LOIPR) regarding Israel’s compliance with the International...
Adalah and the Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians’ Rights in Jerusalem (CCDPRJ ) organized a press conference yesterday (invitation), 12 September 2012, on the National Council for...
The Israeli navy frequently shoots live fire at fishing boats in the permitted fishing area (three nautical miles) on the shores of Gaza and forces fishermen to strip naked at gunpoint, jump into...
(Haifa, Israel) On 12 June 2012, Adalah sent a position paper to the Levy Committee, which was established by the Israeli government to consider how to retroactively legalize unrecognized...
In a letter sent to the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Knesset, the Attorney General and others on 22 May 2012, Adalah urged them to reject proposed bills that seek to retroactively legalize...
Law and violence are often understood to be opposites. The rule of law is conceived of as constituting an orderly alternative to violence. In abandoning this dichotomous depiction of law and...
Any citizen who cares deeply about the future of the State of Israel cannot but feel uneasy about the developments of the past decade and the growing number of racist incidents and intolerance...
In response to the ongoing campaign against human rights organizations led by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, the head of Yisrael Beiteinu, and other right-wing political parties,...
West Bank manufactured goods have been permitted into East Jerusalem for the past 16 years following the signing of the “Paris Agreements” which outline the trade relationship between...
The GSS Must Cease Coercion of Palestinians Medical Students to Provide Information as a Condition for Granting them Permits to Practice in East Jerusalem Hospitals
Five years after the Advisory Opinion by the International Court Justice (ICJ) on the legality of the Wall, it is time to assess the legal strategies since employed, offer criticisms and reassess...
In October 2008, a delegation comprised of the general secretaries of Arab political parties in Israel and academics and political activists traveled to South Africa to participate in an intensive...
On 7 April 2008, the Israel Land Administration (ILA) sent its response to a letter filed by Adalah challenging the ILA Council’s Decision 1111 dated 25 May 2007, according to which “The Israel...
The metaphor of the Gaza Strip as the world’s largest prison is unfortunately outdated. Israel now treats the Strip more like a zoo. For running a prison is about constraining or repressing...
Adalah met with 18 representatives from Consular Offices, Representative Offices to the Palestinian Authority (PA), and international development and human rights organizations on 21 November 2007...