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In 2017, the Israeli parliament enacted a law allowing the expropriation of private West Bank Palestinian land in order to retroactively “legalize” Israeli settlements.
Adalah's key concerns regarding the human rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel. Notably, many of these concerns also apply to Palestinians living under occupation in the Occupied Palestinian...
Details newly-enacted Israeli laws and pending bills that contain discriminatory and/or anti-democratic provisions liable to violate the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel and in the OPT.
Adalah is issuing an update to this position paper after the Israeli Supreme Court, on 17 January 2016, rejected the villagers’ request for a further hearing on the case. Initially issued July 2015.
Adalah’s Discriminatory Laws Database (DLD) is an online resource comprising a list of over 65 Israeli laws that discriminate directly or indirectly against Palestinian citizens in Israel...
In July-August 2014, Israel launched a military offensive in the Gaza Strip that killed 2,251 Palestinians, the vast majority of them civilians.
Examination of extra-judicial executions of Palestinians by Israeli forces in the fall 2015-winter 2016 and failure of Israeli authorities to investigate these events.
The Israeli Government's New Plan to Forcibly Displace and Dispossess Palestinian Bedouin Citizens of Israel from their Land in the Naqab (Negev).
Lawyers training sessions, part of the #WeWillNotBeSilent project, which aims to protect and promote the freedom of expression (FOE) of Arab Palestinian youth in Israel.
The #WeWillNotBeSilent project aims to protect and promote the freedom of expression (FOE) of Arab Palestinian youth in Israel.
2016's top five human rights concerns: forced displacement, discriminatory laws, 'shoot to kill' policy, education and employment gaps, shrinking civil society space.
The Israeli government announced a relaxation in the police’s detailed ‘rules of engagement’, leading to a dramatic increase in many instances of what appear to be extra-judicial executions.
In March and April 2016, Adalah worked closely with a coalition of civil society partners to bring There Is A Field, a new play by Jen Marlowe, to nearly 2,000 people in cities and universities...
Marketing of land by Israel Land Authority is predominantly carried out in Jewish and mixed Arab-Jewish areas, while almost no effort is invested in solving housing shortage in Arab communities.
Many of these practices violate Israel’s international obligations as a signatory to the UN Convention against Torture, which prohibits torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
Many of these concerns also apply to violations of the human rights of Palestinians living under occupation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
On Human Rights Day 2015, Adalah has compiled a summary of 10 unjust and discriminatory decisions made by the Supreme Court this year, on petitions filed by Adalah and other partner organizations.
A new legislative amendment does not offer any remedy to the victims of the harshest methods Israel uses to elicit confessions during interrogations: namely, Palestinian security detainees and who...
The difference between two Supreme Court rulings on land rights cases lies in the difference between what Israel views as “unwanted” Arab Bedouin citizens, versus Jewish citizens who “protect...
Adalah's legal, international and media campaign to achieve accountability and justice for violations of international law by Israel in the Gaza Strip.