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Tomorrow, Tuesday, 9 April 2002 at 11:30 am, the Israeli Supreme Court will hear the petition of Adalah and LAW-The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment...
Today, the District Court in Beer el Sebe (Beer Sheva) denied Adalah’s appeal requesting the release of Mr. Yosef al-Atawna and Mr. Abed el-Kareem al-Ataika from detention. Mr. Al-Atawna, the...
On 7 April 2002, Adalah filed a petition before the Supreme Court protesting the denial of medical treatment to the scores of sick and wounded in Jenin and Nablus, the denial of access to...
On 6 April 2002, the Ministry of the Interior attempted to ban entry into Israel of three representatives of international human rights organizations and threatened to deport them within hours....
On 4 April 2002, Adalah and LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment submitted two pre-petitions to the Israeli Attorney General's office regarding the...
On 6 April 2002, Adalah Staff Attorney Orna Kohn filed a pre-petition on the behalf of Adalah and LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment, to the...
On 2 April 2002, Mr. Daniel Siman, head of the Government Press Office, revoked the press credentials of two journalists working for Abu Dhabi Television, Layla Odeh and Jasim al-Azawi. Mr....
On 2 April 2002, Adalah submitted a pre-petition to the Attorney General's office regarding the detention of 60 Palestinian civilians in an apartment building in Ramallah. The letter was filed on...
On 25 March 2002, Adalah filed a precedent-setting lawsuit in Tiberias Magistrate Court on behalf of six young Arab men, against Livnon Beach on the Sea of Galilee in Tiberias, for racial...
On 25 March 2002, the Ministry of Education (hereafter "the Ministry") informed the Supreme Court that it intends to recommend the dismissal of Moshe Shohat, the Head of the Bedouin Education...
On 14 March 2002, the official Commission of Inquiry into the October 2000 protest demonstrations (hereafter "the Commission") rejected Adalah's motion filed on 12 March 2002, to rescind warnings...
On 13 March 2002, Adalah filed an objection to Local Plan G-7337 on behalf of more than 100 farmers from the Galilee. The plan, submitted by the Nature Reserve and National Park Authority (NRNPA)...
Yesterday, Adalah filed a petition to the Supreme Court on behalf of Member of Knesset (MK) Dr. Azmi Bishara and Awad Hussein, the Secretary General of the National Democratic Assembly (NDA) party,...
Yesterday, Adalah submitted a motion to the official Commission of Inquiry into the October 2000 protest demonstrations (hereafter "the Commission") on behalf of Member of Knesset (MK) Dr. Azmi...
On 20 February 2002, Haifa District Court Judges Haim Pizam, Arie Razi and Shoshana Shtemer strongly criticized the appeal filed by the Misgav Local Committee for Planning and Building (hereafter...
Yesterday, the prosecution of Member of Knesset (MK) Dr. Azmi Bishara for his political speeches began in the Magistrate Court in Natserat Illit before a panel of three judges: Judge Tawfiq Ktely,...
Today, Adalah announced that it will represent the three Arab leaders who received warnings from the official Commission of Inquiry into the October 2000 protest demonstrations (hereafter...
On 19 February 2002, Adalah submitted new materials to the official Commission of Inquiry into the October 2000 protest demonstrations ("the Commission"). Adalah submitted television footage and...
On 18 February 2002, Adalah Staff Attorney Orna Kohn sent a letter to the Minister of Interior, Eliyahu Yishai, demanding the cancellation of his order prohibiting Sheikh Ra’ed Salah, the...
On 18 February 2002, Adalah Staff Attorney Orna Kohn sent a letter to the Minister of Interior, Eliyahu Yishai, demanding the cancellation of his order prohibiting Sheikh Ra’ed Salah, the...