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Following hearing of Adalah-ACRI petition against Israel’s Cyber Unit, Supreme Court also calls on Israel to present similar censorship mechanisms in other countries and clarify their respective...
Abnaa al-Balad leader Raja Eghbaria released to house arrest after court agrees with defense team that police behavior confirms he poses no threat justifying detention for a series of Facebook...
Court keeps Arab political leader Raja Eghbaria in detention at least until 15 October; prosecutor doesn’t deny existence of multiple errors in its translation of Eghbaria’s Arabic-language...
No indictment filed against Raja Eghbaria; Adalah: Police admitted they exhausted all their questions, court has no legal basis to authorize continued detention; Adalah appeals ruling.
Adalah: Bennett has nothing to say in response to our petition so he chooses to incite against us. Evidence indicates live fire was directed at civilians, raising serious suspicions of war crimes.
Adalah, Al Mezan demand Israeli military halt threats; Geneva Convention: Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among civilian population are prohibited.
Israeli State Attorney's Office's 'Cyber Unit' collaborates with social media platforms – including U.S.-based giants Facebook and Twitter – to censor users' posts, but has no legal authority.
Majority of 2015-2016 arrests for alleged online incitement are of Palestinian citizens; Israel may apply Facebook deal in discriminatory, politically-motivated manner.