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In a new position paper, Adalah analyzes a series of recent measures by the current Israeli government which constitute annexation of the West Bank and a clear policy to extend the regime of Jewish...
Adalah: the proposed bill demonstrates a clear intent to commit international criminal acts under the Rome Statute of the ICC
Adalah: the decision deepens the de facto annexation of the occupied West Bank and constitutes a crime of aggression under the Rome Statute of the ICC
Israel's shielding of those responsible for crimes, and its refusal to conduct genuine, effective, and independent investigations into cases Adalah brought before Israeli legal system, have...
UN Special Rapporteur Prof. Michael Lynk highlights Israel’s illegal policies and practices of collective punishment targeting the Palestinian people.
In this report, Adalah exposes the flaws in the attorney general's position that the ICC cannot exercise jurisdiction in this case, which is based on an outmoded, formalistic interpretation of...
Lawyers: IBA move, pushed through in a hasty and underhanded manner, is strictly political in motive and is seemingly intended to advocate Israeli government positions entrenching occupation.
'Deal of the Century' gives green light to Israel's illegal annexation of West Bank; Adalah: Plan is no more than joint U.S.-Israel effort to impose Israeli government's vision for territory in...
International Criminal Court chief prosecutor: Israel has been and is continuing to commit war crimes in West Bank – including East Jerusalem – and in Gaza Strip; potential cases would be...
Two proposed laws would amount to Israeli annexation of West Bank, one would legalize 66 settlement outposts; ICC just announced 'significant progress' into probe of Israeli settlement activity.