public health

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COVID-19 morbidity and mortality rates in West Bank and Gaza are increasing dramatically but vaccine supply to Palestinians so far covers less than 1.5% of population. NGOs: 'Israel has a legal,...
Magen David Adom’s website provides the public with essential public health information relating to the COVID-19 virus – but none of it is in Arabic.
Adalah demands repeal of amendment allowing health minister to report identities of people who have not yet been vaccinated or received second shot to local and national authorities.
150,000 Palestinian residents of Kufr Aqab and Shu'afat refugee camp live under Israeli rule, but Israel has not established even a single vaccination center in these East Jerusalem neighborhoods.
Gisha, Adalah, and Al Mezan call on Israel to halt aerial spraying of herbicides along Gaza fence. New Forensic Architecture report on spraying based in large part on work conducted by the three...