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Approximately 80% of residential housing units allocated in the new neighborhood in Jisr Az-Zarqa, a poverty-stricken Arab town in the north of Israel, are not earmarked for local residents. This...
Committees in Israeli Jewish towns can reject potential residents based on 'social suitability', essentially enforcing de facto housing segregation between Jewish and Arab citizens.
Adalah: Kfar Vradim's racist move, aimed to keep Arab citizens out and "preserve town's Zionist-Jewish-secular character," tramples most basic tenets of democracy.
The law would expand the use of Israel's administrative powers to implement demolition and eviction orders and would increase the severity of financial penalties on homeowners.
Impoverished seaside village of Jisr Az-Zarqa faces one of country's most severe housing shortages; local families lack more than 730 homes.
Adalah calls for just solution to land and housing crisis in Arab communities, urges PM Netanyahu to halt demolitions of Arab homes.
Marketing of land by Israel Land Authority is predominantly carried out in Jewish and mixed Arab-Jewish areas, while almost no effort is invested in solving housing shortage in Arab communities.
In 2015, Arab towns in Israel received only 4.6% of new housing units and only 2.5% of reduced-cost housing units. Less than 1% (0.8%) of Arab localities received additional government support...